Burundi, a small country in the very heart of Africa, suffered from harsh times in the past.
The bloody riots between members of Hutu and Tutsi severely weakened the country.
Only since the year 2000, when a peace treaty was made, an independent society started to develop. Political parties and powers are now closely observed, whether they act for the wellbeing of the people. Refugees came back home, too.
However the density of population, rare land, and unemployment hinder economic revival. Due to the GHI Burundi is the most affected country when it comes to hunger.
For many years private aid projects in the Region Ortenau, located in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg in Germany, have strived to enhance the well-being of the people of Burundi. Since 1989 and even during the civil war in Burundi the Hospital of Gegenbach (now Ortenau-Klinikum) has kept a successful partnership with the Hospital of Kayanza.
To ensure and strengthen the standards that have been installed since, Kayanza urgently needs further assistance.
The partnership is politically recognized and functions as a role model for other partnerships in the country.
To support this and other initiatives effectively and sustainably the non-profit organization "Förderverein Ortenau-Burundi e.V." was founded.
We appreciate your support through donations to
Sparkasse Kinzigtal
IBAN: DE05 6645 1548 0000 0494 70
Donation receipts are available.